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Station Drops

规格:图示型号8016591-01-1, 6592, 6596




Station Drops, 图示型号8016591-01-1, 6592, 6596


CONCOA公司的Station Drops为金属制造管道提供了完美的使用点。它们可以单独销售,也可以与以下CONCOA调压阀或流量计一起使用:6590系列大流量调压阀、9940系列大流量调压阀或700系列流量计。可选的流量计型号配有特定气体的气瓶连接以及硬盖和链条,以保持通道无灰尘和污染。


  • 内置止回阀可防止意外气体回流
  • 集液包管路(Drip leg piping)安全地排出管道中的水分
  • 当调节器不存在时,盖和链组件保护管道系统免受污染和灰尘


  • 最大入口压力:200PSIG(13.8巴)
  • 温度范围:-40°F至140°F(-40°C至66°C)
  • 隔离阀:黄铜棒
  • Station Drop管:黑钢
  • 符合性:清洁度达到或超过CGA G-4.1;CGA E-3;NFPA 51;CRN OH15806.5


订货号 描述 出口接头
8016590-01-1 Station Drop for Inerts (nitrogen/helium/argon) featuring Gas-saver Regulator (8066590-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Int (regulator)
8016591-01-1 Station Drop for Argon/Carbon Dioxide Service featuring Flowmeter Regulator (8066591-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Int (regulator)
8016591-01-XA Station Drop for Argon Service with Check Valve and Plug and Chain featuring Flowmeter Regulator (8066591-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Int (regulator)
8016591-01-XB Station Drop for Argon/Carbon Dioxide Service featuring Flowmeter Regulator (8066591-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Int (regulator)
8016591-01-XC Station Drop for Carbon Dioxide Service featuring Flowmeter Regulator (8066591-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Int (regulator)
8016592-01-1 Station Drop for Acetylene Service featuring Single Stage Station Regulator (8066592-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 9/16 in-18 (B) LH Ext (regulator)
8016594-01-1 Station Drop for Inerts (nitrogen/helium/argon) featuring Dual Flowmeter Regulator (8066594-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Int (regulator)
8016595-01-1 Station Drop for Inerts (nitrogen/helium/argon) featuring Single Stage Station Regulator (8066595-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Int (regulator)
8016595-01-XA Station Drop for Compressed Air featuring Single Stage Station Regulator (8066595-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Int (regulator)
8016596-01-1 Station Drop for Oxygen Service featuring Single Stage Station Regulator (8066596-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 9/16 in -18 (B) RH Ext (regulator)
8016597-01-1 Station Drop for Inerts (nitrogen/helium/argon) featuring Flowmeter Regulator (8066597-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 5/8 in-18 (B) RH Int (Regulator)
8016599-01-1 Station Drop for Fuel Gases (propylene/propane/natural gas) featuring Single Stage Station Regulator (8066599-01-1) with Forged Brass Body and PTFE Seat 9/16 in-18 (B) LH Ext (Regulator)
8019720-01-1 Station Drop Kit with Cap and Chain for Argon/Carbon Dioxide Service featuring Single Flowmeter Regulator (8050720-01-1) 5/8 in-18 (B) RH Ext (regulator)
8019721-01-1 Station Drop Kit with Cap and Chain for Argon/Helium Service featuring Single Flowmeter Regulator (8050721-01-1) 5/8 in-18 (B) RH Ext (regulator)
8019722-01-1 Station Drop Kit with Cap and Chain for Argon/Carbon Dioxide Service featuring Dual Flowmeter Regulator (8050722-01-1) 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Ext (regulator)
8019723-01-1 Station Drop Kit with Cap and Chain for Argon/Helium Service featuring Dual Flowmeter Regulator (8050723-01-1) 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Ext (regulator)
8019940-01-1 Station Drop for Oxygen Service featuring Station Regulator (8069940-01-1) with Brass Barstock Body and Nitrile Seat 9/16 in -18 (B) RH Ext (regulator)
8019943-01-1 Station Drop for Acetylene featuring Station Regulator (8069943-01-1) with Brass Barstock Body and Nitrile Seat 9/16 in -18 (B) LH Ext (regulator)
8019945-01-1 Station Drop for Inerts (nitrogen/helium/argon) featuring Station Regulator (8069945-01-1) with Brass Barstock Body and Nitrile Seat 5/8 in -18 (B) RH Ext (regulator)
8019949-01-1 Station Drop for Fuel Gases (propylene/propane/natural gas) featuring Station Regulator (8069949-01-1) with Brass Barstock Body and Nitrile Seat 9/16 in -18 (B) LH Ext (regulator)
5290072-01-001 Station Drop with Cap and Chain for Oxygen Service (without pressure regulator or flowmeter) CGA 024 (station drop)
5290073-01-001 Station Drop with Cap and Chain for Acetylene Service (without pressure regulator or flowmeter) CGA 025 (station drop)
5290074-01-001 Station Drop with Cap and Chain for Nitrogen Service (without pressure regulator or flowmeter) CGA 034 (station drop)
5290074-01-0XA Station Drop with Cap and Chain for Compressed Air (without pressure regulator or flowmeter) CGA 034 (station drop)
5290076-01-001 Station Drop with Cap and Chain for LPG Gases (without pressure regulator or flowmeter) CGA 025 (station drop)
5290077-01-001 Station Drop with Cap and Chain for Argon Service (without pressure regulator or flowmeter) CGA 034 (station drop)
5290077-01-0XB Station Drop with Cap and Chain for Argon/Carbon Dioxide Service (without pressure regulator or flowmeter) CGA 034 (station drop)
5290077-01-0XC Station Drop with Cap and Chain for Carbon Dioxide Service (without pressure regulator or flowmeter) CGA 034 (station drop)


